세종시, ‘디지털 분야 일 경험 청년 일자리’사업 참여 청년 모집
㈜원모어시큐리티 등 기업 20곳... 3월부터 10개월 간 근무 가능
[세종포스트 김민주 인턴기자] 세종시가 3일부터 ‘디지털 분야 일 경험 청년 일자리’사업에 참여할 청년을 모집한다.
이번 사업은 비대면·디지털 직무에 청년을 채용한 기업에 인건비 최대 월 160만원을 지원하는 사업이다.
청년들이 디지털 사회에 쉽게 적응할 수 있도록 디지털 직무 접근성을 향상하고 지역기업의 디지털 혁신 촉진을 지원하기 위해 올해 마련됐다.
지원 대상은 세종시 거주 만 39세 이하 미취업 청년 20명이며 ㈜원모어시큐리티 등 기업 20곳에서 3월 1일부터 12월까지 10개월간 근무를 하게 된다.
참여기업은 지난 1월 공모와 자체 선정평가위원회 심사를 거쳐 최종 20곳을 선정했으며, 비대면·디지털 분야 청년 일자리 창출 의지가 높거나 성장 가능성 등을 우선 고려해 선발했다.
지원 희망자는 선정 기업 20곳 중 지원을 희망하는 기업을 선택해 지원하면 된다.
출처 : 세종포스트(http://www.sjpost.co.kr)
Sejong City, 20 companies including OneMoreSecurity Co., Ltd. to recruit young people to participate in the 'Job Jobs for Youth with Work Experience in the Digital Field' ... Available to work for 10 months from March [Sejong Post Intern Reporter Min-ju Kim] Sejong City is recruiting young people to participate in the 'Job Jobs for Youth with Work Experience in the Digital Field' from the 3rd. This project is a project to support up to 1.6 million won in labor costs per month to companies that hire young people for non-face-to-face and digital jobs. It was established this year to improve access to digital jobs so that young people can easily adapt to the digital society and to support the promotion of digital innovation of local businesses. The target of support is 20 unemployed young people under the age of 39 living in Sejong City, and they will work for 10 months from March 1 to December at 20 companies such as OneMoreSecurity. Participating companies were selected in the final 20 after a public offering and evaluation by the self-selection and evaluation committee in January, and were selected based on their high will to create jobs for youth in the non-face-to-face and digital fields, or their growth potential. Applicants can apply by selecting the company they wish to support from among the 20 selected companies. Detailed information on selected companies and application procedures can be found on the website of Sejong City ( www.sejong.go.kr ) and the website of the Sejong Chamber of Commerce ( http://sejongcci.korcham.net ). In addition to supporting youth recruitment labor costs, this project plans to provide transportation expenses (100,000 won per month), certification acquisition, and job training to participating youths. Seo Jong-seon, head of the city's job policy department, said, "It is of utmost importance to enable young people to build careers and develop competencies through experience so that they can grow into competitive talents." "In a situation where the job market is contracted, private jobs are created and additional youth are hired. "I will do my best to support the capacity," he said. Source: Sejong Post (http://www.sjpost.co.kr) |