
Company History

  • 2025
  • 02 |

    Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Microsoft Korea Collaboration “Majung Program” (Selected as Excellent Project)
  • 2024
  • 12 |

    Acquired the K-ICTC certification about intelligent CCTV for OMEYE v2.0 by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (Loitering)

    12 |

    Acquired the K-ICTC certification about intelligent CCTV for OMEYE v2.0 by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (Intrusion)

    12 |

    OMEYE is set up at Icheon office in Gyeonggi-do

    12 |

    OMEYE is set up at Suwon office in Gyeonggi-do

    11 |

    Signed MOU/NDA with Sarafin AI of Canada

    11 |

    OMEYE for women-safe restroom system is set up at Anyang city hall

    11 |

    OMEYE v2.0 is acquired the certification level 1 (=1st grade) of Good Software (GS), the certificate of software quality from the ˝Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)˝

    10 |

    Acquired the K-ICTC certification about intelligent CCTV for OMEYE v2.0 by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (Fire Detection)

    09 |

    OMEYE is set up at Seongbuk-gu office in Seoul

    09 |

    OMEYE is set up at Geumcheon-gu office in Seoul

    09 |

    Signed MOU with Malaysia’s ELIX Solution Sdn Bhd

    09 |

    Received the Minister of Science and ICT Award (Excellent Company 2024)

    09 |

    Received GS E&C Open Innovation Excellence Award

    08 |

    OMEYE is set up at Paju city hall

    08 |

    Supply of OMEYE(AI module for edge device industrial safety)

    07 |

    Designated as an “Innovative Product” by Public Procurement Service for OneMoreEYE (OMEYE v2.0)

    06 |

    National Security Technology Research Institute, selected as Cloud OS secondary authentication application project (OMPASS)

    06 |

    OMEYE is set up at Gunsan city hall

    06 |

    Ministry of Public Administration and Security selects CCTV video analysis technology demonstration contest project

    05 |

    Ministry of SMEs and Startups selects Microsoft Korea Collaboration “Meeting Program”

    04 |

    Signed NDA with mid-sized company Youngshin D&C Co., Ltd.
  • 2023
  • 12 |

    AI convergence public safety rapid response support project (Selected as an excellent project)

    12 |

    Ministry of Science and ICT regional SW service commercialization support project (Selected as an excellent project)

    12 |

    Acquired the K-ICTC certification about intelligent CCTV for OMEYE by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (Loitering, Intrusion, Abandonment)

    12 |

    Minister Award of the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy (Contribution to national industrial development through commercialization of new technologies)

    11 |

    Acquired TI-2 technology investment grade credit rating

    11 |

    Acquired the K-ICTC certification about intelligent CCTV for OMEYE by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (Loitering, Intrusion, Falldown)

    11 |

    OMEYE is set up at Seodaemun-gu office in Seoul

    11 |

    OMEYE is set up at Yangcheon-gu office in Seoul

    10 |

    Acquired the K-ICTC certification about intelligent CCTV for OMEYE by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (Loitering, Intrusion, Queueing/People Counting)

    10 |

    OMEYE is set up at Dongdaemun-gu office in Seoul

    09 |

    MyPCProtector 4.0 is set up at Woosong University

    09 |

    OMEYE is set up at Seocho-gu office in Seoul

    08 |

    OMEYE is set up at Cheongju city hall

    08 |

    OMPASS launched the nation's first SW-based FIDO logon service for Windows operating system

    08 |

    OMEYE is registered into e-shopping mall called ˝Nara Market˝ (KONEPS, Korea On-line E-Procurement System) operating from the South Korean government's ˝Public Procurement Service (PPS)˝ (Excellent Procurement Product)

    07 |

    Minister Award of the Ministry of Science and ICT (Information Security Merit)

    07 |

    OMEYE received a Minister Award of the Ministry of Science and ICT (Information Security Product Innovation Contest)

    06 |

    Designated as an “Excellent Information Security Technology” by the Ministry of Science and ICT for OneMoreEYE (OMEYE)

    06 |

    Acquired the K-ICTC certification about intelligent CCTV for OMEYE by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (Loitering, Intrusion, Fire Detection)

    06 |

    Signed a partnership agreement with ITCEN Group's TWOKM CO., LTD.

    06 |

    Signed MOU and NDA with Vinafore Informatics and Telecommunication JSC in Vietnam

    05 |

    Signed MOU and NDA with Eurostar Communication LLC in UAE

    05 |

    Selected as a start-up leap package project by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    05 |

    Won a contract for AI+X project 2023 from the Ministry of Science and ICT

    05 |

    OMPASS siged a 3-party unit price contract for Korean public procurement

    04 |

    Designated as an “Excellent Product” by Public Procurement Service for OneMoreEYE (OMEYE)

    03 |

    Development of smart illegal parking manaement, and POC in Seo-gu district of Daejeon metropolitan city are completed

    01 |

    Registered as a member of City Regeneration and Safety Association (SRSA)

    01 |

    Participated as an exhibitor in CES 2023
  • 2022
  • 12 |

    Acquired a certification of New Excellent Product (NEP) for OneMoreEYE (OMEYE) from South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

    11 |

    Acquired a certification of Telecommunications Techonology Association (TTA) for “OneMoreEYE (OMEYE) Smart City Platform”

    11 |

    SIgned MOU & NDA with Qurum Nusa Prestasi

    10 |

    Selected as “KINPEX 2022 Awards Winner” from Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business (KBIZ)

    09 |

    Designated as a promising company to enter the overseas procurement market (G-PASS company)

    09 |

    Signed MOU with the World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations (World-OKTA)

    09 |

    OMEYE received the Minister of Science and ICT Award

    08 |

    Signed purchase agreement with “Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC)” for OMPASS and OMS Secure Print

    08 |

    Signed MOU with Hanjin Information Systems & Telecommunication (HIST)

    08 |

    Selected as 2022 World Smart City Expo Awards Winner with OMEYE

    08 |

    OMPASS (Cloud) acqired the certificate of Cloud Computing Service that certifies its excellence in performance and software quality by the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA)

    07 |

    Certified to Technology Innovation-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprise (Inno-Biz) selected by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    07 |

    Acquired the K-NBTC certification about facial recognition algorithm performance with the accuracy of 99.98% for OMPASS v2.0 by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA)

    06 |

    OMEYE is acquired the certification level 1 (=1st grade) of Good Software (GS), the certificate of software quality from the ˝Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)˝

    05 |

    Won a contract for AI+X project from the Ministry of Science and ICT

    05 |

    Signed NDA with Hanjin Information Systems & Telecommunication (HIST)

    05 |

    Signed NDA with SAVIS Technology Group

    04 |

    Won a contract for regional SW service commercialization support project from the Ministry of Science and ICT

    04 |

    Launched “OMPASS (Cloud)” service as AWS cloud based subscription (

    02 |

    Signed purchase agreement for innovative product, OMEYE v1.0 (People) with Public Procurement Service (Targets : Songpa Gu Office and Taebaek City Hall)
  • 2021
  • 12 |

    Signed purchase agreement with “Hanmi Healthcare” for OMS Code

    12 |

    Designated as an “Innovative Product” by Public Procurement Service on OMEYE v1.0 and MissingMom v1.0

    12 |

    Registered in Korea Exchange Startup Market (KSM)

    12 |

    Signed MOU & NDA with TechnoPro Africa Limited

    11 |

    Signed NDA with COMMAX

    10 |

    Signed purchase agreement with INNOPOLICE for OMPASS

    10 |

    Awarded as Gangseo-gu District Office Smart City Competition Winner

    09 |

    Signed MOU with We-Bridge Worlds, LCC

    09 |

    Signed MOU & NDA with Edunet Network Company Ltd

    09 |

    Participated in USA PNP (Plug and Play) Goal Program

    08 |

    Designated as a family company of the “National Security Research Institute”

    07 |

    Won a contract of R&D project for the science business belt functional districts from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    07 |

    Selected as a supplier for “ICT SMEs Security Solution Support Project”

    04 |

    Signed NDA with LG CNS

    04 |

    OneMorePASS (OMPASS) is acquired the certification level 1 (=1st grade) of Good Software (GS), the certificate of software quality from the “Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)”

    03 |

    OneMorePASS (OMPASS) is acquired international certification of FIDO Alliance

    03 |

    Selected for the “8th Kibo Venture CAMP” operating from the “Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KOTEC)”

    02 |

    Appointed as a member of “FIDO Alliance”

    01 |

    OMS MyPCProtector 4.0 is registered into e-shopping mall called ˝Nara Market˝ (KONEPS, Korea On-line E-Procurement System) operating from the South Korean government's “Public Procurement Service (PPS)”
  • 2020
  • 11 |

    Acquired the certification of ˝K-NBTC˝ test about facial recognition algorithm performance with the accuracy of 99.96% from the ˝Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA)˝ operating from the government of South Korea

    10 |

    Won a contract for stepping stone startup untact project from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    09 |

    Selected as a ˝Untact Service (on Security Field) Voucher Supplier˝ by the ministry of SMEs and Startups operating from the government of South Korea

    09 |

    OMS MyPCProtector 4.0 is acquired the certification level 1 (=1st grade) of Good Software(GS), the certificate of software quality from the Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)

    08 |

    S-Capsule v1.0 is designated as a ˝Purchasing Product Trial˝ by the ministry of SMEs and Startups operating from the government of South Korea

    08 |

    OMS Secure Print v1.0 is designated as “Venture Startup Innovation Procurement Product” by “Public Procurement Service (PPS)” operating from the government of South Korea

    06 |

    Acquired the written recognition of E-family company from the Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) operating from the government of South Korea

    05 |

    Won a contract of R&D project for commercialization of local companies linked to national convergence complex from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    03 |

    OMS Secure Print v1.0 is designated as “Venture Startup Innovation Procurement Product” by Public Procurement Service (PPS) operating from the government of South Korea

    03 |

    Appointed as a member of the “Korea Information Security Industry Association (KISIA)”
  • 2019
  • 12 |

    Both S-Capsule v1.0 & OMS Code v1.0 are designated as “Venture Startup Innovation Procurement Product” by Public Procurement Service (PPS) operating from the government of South Korea

    12 |

    S-Capsule v1.0 is acquired the certification level 1 (=1st grade) of Good Software (GS), the certificate of software quality from the Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)

    10 |

    OMS Code v1.0 is acquired the certification level 1 (=1st grade) of Good Software (GS), the certificate of software quality from the Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)

    09 |

    Won a contract for early startup package project from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    09 |

    Selected as a “T Start-up Venture Fostering company” from the Sejong center for creative economy & innovation

    06 |

    Won a contract for stepping stone startup first step project from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

    06 |

    Selected as a “Tech. Valley support company” by the Korea Technology Guarantee Fund

    06 |

    Appointed as a member of Korea Cloud Business Cooperation (KCBC)

    05 |

    Approved as a “Venture Company”

    04 |

    Established the institution of the affiliated research

    01 |

    Established as “start-up company from researcher of National Security Research Institute”