
[원모어시큐리티] 중소벤처부 ”시범구매제품” 지정 S-Capsule v1.0 [2020.08]

[OneMoreSeucrity] S-Capsule v1.0 is designated as a 'purchasing product trial' [Aug. 2020]


◻ S-Capsule v1.0 은 중소벤처부 기술개발제품 시범구매제품 지정 되어 국가`공공기관 대상으로 3년간 금액제한없이 수의계약이 가능합니다.

  기술개발제품 시범구매 제도란?   
중소기업이 기술개발제품의 시범구매를 신청하면 전문가 그룹이 공공기관의 구매의사결정을 대행하여 시범구매 대상제품을 선정하고, 

공공기관에 해당 제품을 구매하도록 유도하는 제도

◻ S-Capsule v1.0 is designated as a 'purchasing product trial' by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups operating from the government of South Korea, and private contracts can be made for 3 years without limiting the amount for national and public institutions.

    Q. What is trial purchase of the technology development product system?

    - When small and medium enterprises(SMEs) applies for a trial purchase of a technology developed product, a group of experts acts on behalf of the public institution to make purchase decisions, selects products subject to trial purchase, and induces the public institutions to purchase the products.