
원모어시큐리티, '2022 월드 스마트시티 엑스포'서 지능형 영상분석 안전 플랫폼 소개해... 과기정통부 장관상 수상! [2022.09.02]

OneMoreSecurity introduces intelligent video analysis safety platform at '2022 World Smart City Expo'... Won the Minister of Science and ICT Award! [09/02/2022]


2022 월드 스마트시티 엑스포에 참가한 원모어시큐리티 '원모어아이' 제품 │촬영-에이빙뉴스

원모어아이는 얼굴인식, 차량 번호판 인식 등 인공지능(AI) 기술을 통해 사람과 차량에 대한 실시간 탐지, 이동경로 추적과 선별관제 서비스를 제공하는 것이 특징이다.

특히 기존 CCTV 영상촬영 1시간 분량을 1분 내로 분석이 가능해 실종자 및 범죄자 찾기에 발빠른 대응이 가능하며, 동시에 여러 명 분석도 가능하다는 게 관계자의 설명이다.

또한 기존 CCTV에 활용이 가능하며, 여러 기능을 추가로 접목할 수 있는 솔루션으로 구성과 타사대비 5/1 수준 비용으로 구축이 가능하다고 밝혔다.

이 외에도 개인정보의 민감함을 고려해 솔루션 사용자의 보안을 강화, 아이디가 아닌 생체인식 기능으로 인증을 강화해 담당자 외에는 사용할 수 없는 것도 특징이다.

원모어시큐리티는 이번 WSCE 2022 전시회 기간 중 그 기술력을 인정받아 과기정통부 장관상을 수상하기도 했으며, 세계한인무역협회와 해외시장 진출을 위한 MOU도 체결했다.

2022 월드 스마트시티 엑스포에 참가한 원모어시큐리티 김민식 대표가 과기정통부 장관상을 수상하는 모습 │촬영-에이빙뉴스

2022 월드 스마트시티 엑스포에 참가한 원모어시큐리티 부스 모습 │촬영-에이빙뉴스

[최민 기자(]

출처 | 원모어시큐리티, '2022 월드 스마트시티 엑스포'서 지능형 영상분석 안전 플랫폼 소개해... 과기정통부 장관상 수상!

​​원문기사 보기

One More Security 'One More Eye' products participated in the 2022 World Smart City Expo │Photoshoot-AVING News

OneMoreEye is characterized by providing real-time detection of people and vehicles, movement path tracking, and selective control services through artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as face recognition and license plate recognition.

In particular, it is possible to analyze an hour of existing CCTV footage within one minute, so it is possible to quickly respond to the search for missing persons and criminals, and it is possible to analyze several people at the same time, an official explained.

In addition, it can be used in existing CCTVs, and it can be configured as a solution that can additionally combine various functions and can be constructed at a cost of 5/1 compared to other companies.

In addition, in consideration of the sensitivity of personal information, the security of the solution user is strengthened, and authentication is strengthened with a biometric function rather than an ID, so that only the person in charge can use it.

OneMoreSecurity was recognized for its technological prowess during the WSCE 2022 exhibition and received the Minister of Science and ICT Award, and signed an MOU with the World Korean Trade Association to advance into overseas markets.

Kim ​Minsik, CEO of Onemore Security, who participated in the 2022 World Smart City Expo, receives the Minister of Science and ICT Award │Photographed - Aving News

Meanwhile, the World Smart City Expo (WSCE) is the largest smart city event in the Asia-Pacific region, where government and business experts from all over the world in the smart city field gather to draw a sustainable and smart future city centered on ‘people’. Various programs such as conferences and ancillary events, G2G programs, business events and exhibitions were held for domestic and foreign industry workers, government and local governments, and officials from public institutions. The main exhibition items of this exhibition hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Science and ICT and organized by LH K-water KINTEX are as follows. △Smart City Construction & Infrastructure, △Smart Transportation, △Smart Energy & Environment, △Smart Life & Healthcare, △Smart Economy, △Smart Government, etc.​​

[Reporter Choi Min (]

Source | Onemore Security introduces intelligent video analysis safety platform at '2022 World Smart City Expo'... Won the Minister of Science and ICT Award!